Guidelines for project ideas

The following questions can serve as inspiration for finding a project idea:

  • Which topics that you research or teach are appropriate for an international format?
  • For which contents and competencies is an international exchange with students from the partner universities particularly suitable?
  • For which contents could international discussions and collaboration produce exciting results? How do other international perspectives contribute to a better understanding of the seminar content?
  • What existing courses, curricula, materials, etc. could you convert into an international format?
  • Are there assignments/projects/questions in your courses that lend themselves to joint processing in the form of learning tandems or group work between the international student groups?

Consulting & Support

Vom CeDiS Consulting erhalten Sie individuelle Beratung und Unterstützung bei der Konzeption Ihrer digitalen Lehr- und Forschungsvorhaben. 

Der CeDiS Support beantwortet Ihre Nutzeranfragen zur Bedienung der folgenden zentralen Systeme der Freien Universität: Blackboard, CMS, FU-Wikis, FU-Blogs.