Engaging Exam Evaluations: Making use of Learning Materials for LLM-based QA Assessments (auf Englisch)
One of the streamlined use-cases of LLMs involve the comparison of a student answer given for an exam question, trying to (1) identify the validity level of the answer and to (2) provide a simple reasoning for the assigned validity either in terms of the knowledge base that the large language model possesses.
In our presentation our main focus will be to implement a RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) based chatbot that attempts to assess exam questions with a justified grade, based on selected study materials. Certain technical details, such as underlying model components and alternating prompting techniques will be addressed. The real life application will demonstrate representative short essay answers in different difficulty levels and subject domains. Based on such practical cases, we would also like to actively discuss the capabilities and shortcomings of the presented approach.
Typ | Workshop |
Dozent/in | Andrea Palmini, Tunç Yilmaz |
Anmeldung | → Online anmelden |
Beginn | 05.03.2025 | 13:00 |
Ende | 05.03.2025 | 14:00 |
Hinweis | Sie erhalten am Tag vor Veranstaltungsbeginn eine gesonderte Mail mit dem Link zum Online-Raum. |
- LLM Based Chatbots in the context of exam evaluations
- Deployment of short course materials in automatic exam assessment
- RAG pipelines for short text similarity grading and reasoning
- Simulating the automation of exam evaluations by the help of large language model supported interfaces
- Discovering potentials and shortcomings of text similarity assessment with (open source) LLMs
- Understanding main components of Retrieval Augmented Generation in exam evaluation use case